Surviving Family Holiday Gatherings

While the idea of getting together with extended family during the Christmas season is exciting for some, others are filled with dread, hoping for a valid excuse to leave early or not attend at all (“Oh, our car broke down on the way, what a bummer!”). But no matter...

The Real Back to School List

Here we are, mamas, at the beginning of another school year. Backpacks and new shoes have been crossed off our lists. Headphones and what-in-the-world-are-My-First-Pencils — check. Haircuts and awkward photos on the front step the kids will cringe at in 10 years...

Your Note Makes A Difference

This article is the first in our “Make a Difference” Series. Here at Bridging the Gap we believe that God has uniquely gifted each of us to make a difference in this world. Over the next several weeks we will share some of the things we, or someone we know, has done...

Exaggerated Expectations

There seems to be an unwritten theory that leaders must have it all figured out. I know I’ve placed many leaders I’ve admired on pedestals of my own making, only to realize later that my expectations were too high. In my eagerness to follow them, I have often presumed...