Mission Rwanda. Mission Redemption.

Mission Rwanda. Mission Redemption.

Packing for Rwanda was not a big deal. I sort of felt like I was going home, though I had never been to Rwanda. As a Missionary Kid from Tanzania, the neighbor to Rwanda, I knew there were many similarities; and like when I was 15 years old and heading to Africa for...

When the Sun Goes Down

Itā€™s October and in three short months, we have lost about three hours of sunlight. We will continue to lose sunlight at the rate of about 2 minutes per day until the winter solstice, which occurs on December 21. Many of us miss these hours of daylight–even if,...

10 Tips for Great Family Photos

Itā€™s that time of year when the warm weather has left, the leaves are turning, and itā€™s time to think about the next season quickly approachingā€¦ family photo season! Here in Minnesota, many clients wait for fall to update their annual photos in order to get those...