A Single Mom’s Experience at the Retreat

For years, Jaime’s friend had been encouraging her to attend Bridging the Gap’s Single Moms Retreat. But until last year, the timing just didn’t work out. When it came time to register for the 2017 retreat, she knew it was time, and God worked out all the details so...

Let’s Do Lunch

I love getting together with friends, and I love eating. When I can blend the two together—perfection! Jesus chose this method, gathering and eating together, to show his love and teach about his kingdom many times while he walked this earth. He loved to eat with...

The Body of Christ

It happened a year ago. One year ago, my healthy, active, second-degree black belt husband underwent surgery. Somewhere along his life journey, his hip joint had grown misshapen and, through use, eventually tore his labrum (a sheath of cartilage covering the “ball”...

Got Grit?

On our recent vacation, my husband wanted to hike to the tippy-top of Black Elk Peak to view the Black Hills of South Dakota from a magnificent fire tower made entirely of stone, perched on a summit high above everything else for hundreds of miles. It sounded so...

Don’t Wait.

I’ve got a birthday looming. And while it’s always fun to start the morning with a free coffee from my favorite coffee chain and perhaps snag a free birthday dinner on a date with the hubs, each year I’m growing precariously closer to a new decade –...