Connecting When It’s Hard

Somewhere between dishing out servings of tater tot hotdish and grabbing the phone call from the doctor’s office to tell us the correct dosage instruction for yet another antibiotic for yet another ear infection, I felt it. The chaos of life had used up all of my...

Bring in the New Year, Write

God can read. I know that might sound odd, but I distinctly remember a moment journaling early in my marriage when it occurred to me that God can read. I was feeling a certain way so strongly that I couldn’t talk about it out loud yet, so I went to “vent” to God...

Oneness, Otherness, and Ourselves

Tonight I went running/walking around Lake of the Isles, as I usually do on dreamy summer nights. I hate to run but I am so motivated, knowing all the beauty I will be surrounded with as I make my way around the Isles. It is truly one of my favorite places in the Twin...