Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

“Love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you . . . And when things are taken from you, don’t try to get them back. Love your enemies! Do good to them. You must be compassionate, just as your Father is...

When Cookies Demonstrate Forgiveness

Beloved, I’m a strange creature by nature. My body likes to be awake during daylight, but my brain is a stubborn night owl. The darkest hours are when my mind is most active, weaving stories from shadows. Sometimes I give in to the creativity because I frustrate...

Hidden Things Keep Us Out of Intimacy

I gave my heart to Jesus as a young child. Growing up in a Christian home, I knew that we prayed over our meals and at night before we went to bed. I also knew that if I was in a tough place I could ask God for help, but I didn’t understand how he wanted me to connect...

Targeted to Taunt

At the start of kindergarten, the concept of “bullying” was foreign to me. I was shy, because I hadn’t been around a lot of children other than my siblings. I didn’t know that kids would single out one another and pick on them, as I had been...

The Ugly Side of Parenting

We like to talk about the fun parts of parenting – the wonder of a baby’s tiny toes, the cute things our kids say or expressions they make, and how they snuggle up to us. But sometimes, if I’m honest, parenting can be ugly. I feel intensely vulnerable in acknowledging...