New Year’s Goals

New Year’s Goals

It’s a scenario I’ve seen hundreds of times. One of my children sitting amidst a sea of toys they have just been tasked to clean up. Occasionally with tears or a scowl, they sit simply not doing the job. “What are you doing? Pick up your toys!”...

New Year, New Life?

“…but let God transform you into a new person…” Romans 12:2 January 1, 2018 – New Year’s Morning It’s a new day in a new year in a new life. Each day in Jesus can be new. “His mercies,” the Bible teaches, “begin afresh each...

Healthy in Body, Strong in Spirit

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” 3 John 2 (NLT). This time of year, we begin to think about our New Year resolutions. These resolutions are promises to change a habit, improve a character...


“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,” Philippians 3:13. The start of a new year is an important time for recalibrating and refocusing on the...

Bring in the New Year, Write

God can read. I know that might sound odd, but I distinctly remember a moment journaling early in my marriage when it occurred to me that God can read. I was feeling a certain way so strongly that I couldn’t talk about it out loud yet, so I went to “vent” to God...