Walking isn’t for Wimps

I have taken up walking – for exercise, I mean, not just for moving from one place to another. This is not normally noteworthy, I understand, but what you don’t know about me is that I absolutely hate walking. My feet always hurt, I get bored, and occasionally I even...

I Don’t Want To Waste My Pain

Have you ever felt like someone punched you in the gut with their words? What about a slap across the face through inference? It is so hard to keep the right attitude and do what is right in response to unfair treatment. I’ve walked this road before; I’ve been treated...

God Gets Me!

God Sees God sees you in your happiness when everything is fine, And He sees you in your brokenness, every single time. He comprehends our human hearts even better than we know, And He allows some troubled times to come so that we too can grow. He waits with the...