Winter Hair Care

In the fall of my sixth grade year, my hair was getting more and more unruly. I didn’t know that puberty was changing its texture. I had always had thick hair with a slight wave, but something was changing and I was tired of having “bad hair” days. I asked my sister...

I Used To Be Hot

It’s true. Smokin’ hot, and sweaty. Super sweaty. Embarrassing sweaty. For years I worked on a remedy. I did lots of research, to no avail. I drank more water; that didn’t work. I saw a naturalist; that didn’t help. I tried different deodorant....

Part 1: Have Kids, Will Travel…by Car

My husband and I planned a trip to Florida over a year ago. It sounded wonderful at the time (and still does), but as the date looms and we get ready to leave, the practicality of getting our family there in one piece is a bit challenging. Since buying plane tickets...

Have You Lost Weight?

“Have you lost weight?” It was the third time that week someone had asked me the same question. When I tried to say I hadn’t, she insisted on telling me how good I looked without the weight. I wasn’t able to argue with her. I walked away smiling to myself and...