My Favorite Things

Today seems like a great day to remember some of my favorite things. Okay, they aren’t really things. They are some of my favorite inspirations. They are my run-to truths whenever I need to encourage myself or someone else. They have met me so many times in a place of...

Working Out Is Hard To Do

I’m not exactly an athlete by nature. I used to be a fast sprinter as a child, but by junior high PE classes, I remember my knees knocking together when I tried to run the mile for class. I wasn’t the last one to finish, but it was close. I wasn’t in...

I Don’t Want To Waste My Pain

Have you ever felt like someone punched you in the gut with their words? What about a slap across the face through inference? It is so hard to keep the right attitude and do what is right in response to unfair treatment. I’ve walked this road before; I’ve been treated...

Reflect and Revise

I spent some time re-reading old journals this morning: quiet moments to contemplate and appreciate. What a trip it was to visit past experiences and prayers and to watch God’s hand of faithfulness in action in my life. Over and over I saw my insecurities and issues...

Speak Life!

You’ve heard it said before, “Show me a man’s checkbook register, and I’ll show you what he cares about.” Don’t worry, we’re not sharing check registers today, but I want to make a parallel statement: Show me what a person...