It’s Ok to Be You

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”  Isaiah 30:15 Not much in the world is harder than just “being,” that place of not striving to be more than you are. And yet, it should be the simplest of things. What draws us...

Thankful For Clouds

The evening swayed gently as the current under our feet moved back and forth in the way that nature does. Our pontoon sat in the middle of the still and now-quiet lake, which had been bustling with summer-savoring families all day. Adults chatted, slightly dazed from...

Let it Go

This was supposed to be some encouraging moms article, meant to remind you just how awesome you all are (you SO are!), or so I thought. Funny how we decide what God means sometimes isn’t it? I felt the title Let it Go laid on my heart weeks ago and I went with the...

DIY Double Whammy

DIY Double Whammy Ooooh lucky you!! Today I am going to give you a double whammy DIY!! What? Two? Could it be? Oh yes it could! I’d love to show you how to take a plain wooden ‘thingy’ (yes this is the technical term here because I don’t know where to find another one...

Breathe Deep

Do you ever do that? Do you ever take a moment to just stop, breathe and pause a minute? I am guessing if you do, it isn’t often enough. In the rush and whirl of this world, at least in our Americanized world, it seems that everything is only spinning faster. Can you...