Thanks, Mom, for Praying

How many of you are thankful for a praying mother and/or grandmother? If you have a praying parent in your lineage, you are a blessed person. Mothers and grandmothers influence their child’s life by living Godly lives and hitting the throne room of God with...

Motherhood is More Than My Job

I love having Siri do things for me. She texts for me, gets directions, and usually does a fine job with it all. After she did what I asked the other day, I told her “thank you!” And she responded, “I’m just doing my job.” That got me...

Easy Peasy Mother’s Day Project

Wouldn’t it be fun to give mom or grandma a homemade present for Mother’s Day – one that looks like it could be found in an art gallery but in fact could be done (at least in part) by a three-year-old? That’s how easy this project is. In fact, my two 3-year-old...

My One-of-A-Kind Mother

In 1974, my family moved from a Victorian farmhouse outside of Ames, Iowa to a split level house in the town of Huxley, twelve miles to the south. Mom chose the paint colors for our new house. I was always embarrassed when she told people she painted it “yellow for...