5 Frugal Tips from a Fashion Stylist

The more I run from one event to the next, striving to look fresh and fashionable, the more I stumble upon tricks of the trade. These tips seem so simple, but have saved me time, money, and stress. Recently, I shared a few at the Single Moms Retreat. If you weren’t...

Overcoming — to Flourish

Do you ever feel that it is when God is moving the most in your world that you get hit the hardest? I recently cried out to him that I felt opposition from every side. His words resonated in my spirit: “If the world opposed me, they will oppose you as long as you...

The Roots of Disease

As I continue to study my favorite topics on wellness, fitness, and weight management, I inhale books as fast as I can digest them. I read books by MDs, PhDs, naturopaths, biochemists, nutritionists, personal trainers, and their colleagues on the topics of metabolism,...

Do We Get Along? Relating to Teenagers

Recently my teenager was asked the question, “Do you get along with your parents?” So she asked me, “Do we get along?” Good question! I’ve heard many parents of adult children tell me that there was a time when they didn’t get along with their child, but that it got...

I’m a Control Freak.

When the car lost control on loose gravel, fishtailing wildly only to end with an ominous smoking crash in the ditch, I knew immediately on impact that something was wrong. Hanging suspended from the lap seatbelt in the backseat behind the driver, I felt panicked by...