7 Tips to Beating the Allergy Blues

I had seasonal allergies most of my adult life. I used to have itchy ears, eyes, and nose in the spring and fall every year. Allergies can be debilitating. They are physically draining, emotionally exhausting, and expensive (allergy meds, trips to the grocery store...

Nourish to Flourish

Just as Jesus calls us to nourish our bodies with healthy food and ample water (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), we are to nourish our faith by trusting in God when our circumstances are joyful and when they are not. Reserve quiet time to listen for God’s direction. Believe...

The Roots of Disease

As I continue to study my favorite topics on wellness, fitness, and weight management, I inhale books as fast as I can digest them. I read books by MDs, PhDs, naturopaths, biochemists, nutritionists, personal trainers, and their colleagues on the topics of metabolism,...

Spring Into Diamond Strength

Do you know what makes diamonds so strong? PRESSURE. How does pressure relate to your health and fitness this season as the weather warms up? Two things: 1. Consistency. Exercise even when you don’t feel like it. Consistency makes you stronger and more likely to...