Exercising Is For the Birds

I am 34, with a wonderful and supportive husband and a 4-year-old daughter, wanting so badly to feel better about myself. It is great to have a man who tells you all the time how beautiful he thinks you are. But it is another thing to look in the mirror and feel that...

I choose to find the GOOD

Often there are periods in our life that are filled with hard and challenging experiences. Periods where people may say: “If I didn’t have bad luck, I would have no luck at all” or “What else can possibly go wrong?” Lately there have been numerous situations like...

Death Is Not Good-Bye

As I pack away the baskets and plastic eggs, I think how Easter has come and gone for this year. This holiday has a much deeper meaning to me in the last couple years. It is still a holiday filled with bunnies, treats, and dying eggs.  Most importantly though, it...

CHRISTmas Promises

During this time of year, I can’t help but think of my past couple holidays. The Christmases that have come and gone, and how so much has changed in my life over the last couple of years. I often think of “my plans” and how I had planned for my future to go. I had big...


Some days our little ones teach us some very important lessons. The other day I was taught alesson I will carry with me for a long time. During that “lesson” I saw that “little eyes” arealways watching what we do.My Daughter, Hope, taught me a lesson today in...