by Amber Woller | Aug 11, 2010 | Faith
Have you gone green? Do you recycle? Cans? Papers? Plastic bottles? I have become “greener” over the years and recycle regularly. I am not obsessive about recycling. In fact, I only recycle when it is handy. Paper,...
by Guest Contributor | Aug 4, 2010 | Faith
Empowered im-pau-ered (v) Increasing in spiritual strength Involves developing confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit What kind of changes are you looking for in your life and relationships? ...
by Amber Woller | Jul 28, 2010 | Faith
A few weeks ago someone asked me about my testimony. I explained that I grew up in a Christian home, accepted Christ around the age of 4 and never went through a time of rebellion. She asked me, “Well, when did you make your faith your own and not...
by Guest Contributor | Jun 16, 2010 | Faith
Time to simplify! Once in awhile I get the urge to clean my house and sort through closets and drawers. Where did I get all this “stuff?” Recycle it! Throw it out! Send it to Goodwill! It feels great to have a house that is clean and clutter-free. My husband is much...
by Huey | May 27, 2010 | Faith
Have you ever been around someone who just exudes the presence of God? When you are around them, you just want to be more like God. I am talking about the type of person, who is always encouraging you to be a better person, yet you do not even realize it...
by Huey | May 12, 2010 | Faith
Devotional Story: My puppy, Jack, got his cast off on Saturday. I was so excited for Jack to be free from the humongous cast which seemed to weigh him down at times. I held my breath, praying he would be able to walk and not fall. As Jack came toward...
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