You Always Have a Choice

When God looks at my checkbook, what does He think? The first thing I think about when I think about this question is a budget. How do I know if I am being a good steward in how I spend my money if I don’t know where it is going? So a budget is a perfect solution to...

Financial Fears

We are living in financially difficult times.  As a wife, mother, daughter, friend, or Christian how are we to adapt and respond to financial pressures and loss?  Since I only have 700 words to tell you, I will state it simply.  Our faith in God must...

Keeping records..and for how long.

Some may think either you’re born a record keeper or you’re not. Well, in the days in which we live, everyone must perform some form of record keeping whether it comes naturally or not. Documentation is the basis of most, if not all of the financial area...

A Husband is Not a Financial Plan!

A 25-year-old college-educated woman earns $523,000 less over her lifetime than her male counterpart according to Americans for a Secure Retirement, “The Female Factor,” September 2005. Less earnings then translate into less Social Security and pension...