Cut the Fat….Cut the Excess

Recently, I decided to take my personal exercising to a new level.  I decided to learn and begin a lifestyle of running.  I found a good beginning, how-to plan to turn my favorite exercise of walking into running.  I wanted to experience the cardio...

There is an App for that!

I work with numerous women and their families on their financial planning goals.  Many come to me with no idea where to start.  So here is the secret to life-long financial planning – Know how much money is coming in and where the money goes....

What Does God have to Say about Debt?

The short answer to this question is right out of Proverbs.  Proverbs 22:7 states, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.”  There are no exceptions to this rule; no one borrows their way to wealth.  This piece of...

Fasting Credit Cards

I was walking through my local CVS drug store a couple of weeks ago, looking for something that would fill the chocolate craving I was having.  I did not quite know what I wanted, was it cookies, or solid chocolate or chocolate ice cream or a candy bar.  I...

“Living on a Tight Budget”

Living on a Tight Budget   by: Lois Breit There are many ways to live a happy and productive life on a tight budget.  It’s all about attitude, discipline and common sense.  I’d like to share with you a few suggestions on how to stretch your...