God Is The Best Drinking Buddy I Have Ever Had

I used to spend a lot of time drinking alone in bars. On a daily basis. I told myself that only sad alcoholics drink alone at home. This somehow made my addiction feel slightly less pathetic. I would sometimes rotate locations on different days of the week so as not...

When Fear Comes Knocking

“Dad!” shouted a fearful small voice from the bedroom across the hall.   As my husband rolled out of bed, a glance at the clock glowed with a time well past midnight. Shadows. They have suddenly become sinister in the eyes of our child as they loom and...

It’s Ok to Be You

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”  Isaiah 30:15 Not much in the world is harder than just “being,” that place of not striving to be more than you are. And yet, it should be the simplest of things. What draws us...

An Ordinary Extraordinary Life/Lil’s Story

This is the latest article in our new series called “Every Heart has a Story to Tell.” As we head towards our first Thrive Conference this week, our desire is share how Your Story Matters! When I asked my neighbor, Lil, if I could interview her for this story she...

When Everything Isn’t Okay

“I’ve prayed all these years, and God has never once answered.” The weight of those words hung in the air between us. As much as I wanted to disagree, to remind her of all the ways God has provided, I chose to simply listen. My therapist friends have...