Am I a Gossip?

Last week I posted this statement on Twitter: What a difference it would make if, when engaged in a conversation that smacked of gossip, we held up our hand and said, “Stop!”  Reading Susie Larson’s book, Uncommon Woman, is what prompted my post. She shares a powerful...

Living In the Moment

Fall is in the air; I can’t deny it any longer. The first day of school has come and gone, and all my arguments to the contrary are moot. It’s time for sweaters, scarves, pumpkin spice lattes, and football games. And colder weather. Ugh. I live in Minnesota, so of...

Time Stands Still… Sometimes

Have you ever marked a milestone? Maybe you can say that it’s been six months since you started a project, and six months for that project is a very big deal. Or maybe a special birthday memory still makes you feel special after several years. Or a prom. Or graduation...

Whatever it Takes

During my devotion time one day I was reading Acts 23 and all of a sudden I found myself laughing out loud.  There is nothing comical about Acts 23.  The story really starts in Acts 21 when the apostle Paul decides to go Jerusalem.  Long story short, Paul had been...

Rotten Potatoes

Rotting potato stench. It hit me when I looked in the pantry for some crackers to nibble. I hadn’t smelled it a few hours earlier when I grabbed the cereal box. How could such a horrid smell develop so fast? The truth is that potato was rotten when I ate breakfast. It...