Motherhood 2.0: Millennial-Style

Motherhood 2.0: Millennial-Style

I love to read. I work scattered hours as a freelance Sign Language Interpreter. I attempt to make food from scratch as often as possible while also having a second freezer full of frozen french fries, chicken nuggets, and the occasional bag of tater tots. I love to...
Just a Mom

Just a Mom

There was once a time when I thought I would one day change the world by becoming Mother Theresa or someone similar (minus the nun part. I always liked boys too much for that “habit”—ha!). I thought maybe I would solve the world’s hunger crisis or...
Precious in His Sight

Precious in His Sight

When we flipped the calendar to March this year, we also flipped to a new chapter in our lives. Our children are now 13 and 11, and with the passing of my 40th birthday last fall, I no longer consider myself a “young mom.” Those early years of motherhood are hard,...

Finding Significance in the Small

The news scrolled across my newsfeed like a flashing theater marquee. Three friends from high school were being honored with our high school’s young alumnus award. Instantly, my stomach dropped out from its rightful place in my abdomen, where a gnawing pit replaced...

Show Me the Blueprints

It was that morning – you know the kind. The wakening cries from your baby jostle you from a deep slumber. You blink slowly, checking the time—definitely earlier than you were ready for. Taking a few slow breaths, you try to muster enough energy to swing back...