You Always Have a Choice

When God looks at my checkbook, what does He think? The first thing I think about when I think about this question is a budget. How do I know if I am being a good steward in how I spend my money if I don’t know where it is going? So a budget is a perfect solution to...

A Husband is Not a Financial Plan!

A 25-year-old college-educated woman earns $523,000 less over her lifetime than her male counterpart according to Americans for a Secure Retirement, “The Female Factor,” September 2005. Less earnings then translate into less Social Security and pension...

There is an App for that!

I work with numerous women and their families on their financial planning goals.  Many come to me with no idea where to start.  So here is the secret to life-long financial planning – Know how much money is coming in and where the money goes....