by Guest Contributor | Aug 17, 2011 | Faith
My toddlers have a knack for wanting to pick up large heavy objects. Why they have an obsession with trying to pick up gallon jugs of water is beyond me… The other day my one year old picked up a box full of toys that was three-quarters her size. She...
by Guest Contributor | Aug 10, 2011 | Faith
We all struggle. We each struggle with different issues depending on our personality, present circumstances and things we have dabbled with in the past, but we are all tempted to sin. Temptation can be exciting… thinking about how bad I want a decadent piece of...
by Guest Contributor | Aug 10, 2011 | Faith
So I work at this amazing church in Spring Lake Park – its called Emmanuel Christian Center. And every week we have staff devotions; today’s really stuck out to me… We looked at the story of David’s anointing and how most of his life, he lived in the gap. And by...
by kristiekerr | Aug 2, 2011 | Faith
Every once and a while (ok… more like every few months) God will drop a word into my heart that quietly (and yet surprisingly efficiently) exposes something in my life that needs a little tweaking. Everything from “patience” or “forgiveness” or “discipline” to...
by PamelaN | Jul 27, 2011 | Faith
It has been 11 years since I caught a break from the lawn mowing duties of our 5 acres of lawn we regularly groomed down at our hobby farm in Waseca, MN. Since we moved up to our “smaller” country plot just south of St. Stephen we have a mere 2 acres...
by Guest Contributor | Jul 13, 2011 | Faith
As I spent my time in the Word this morning, I thought about All the beautiful women everywhere! I would like to share what God put on my heart! We all go through challenges and adversities and I’m not sure what you may be going through right now; the...
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