Decisions have Consequences

Jack, my little puppy, is so lively and adores being around people.  He gets extremely wound up when we come home he dances and spins around in circles.  It can take me several minutes to settle him down.  This morning Mike was downstairs at the...

Writing a Mission Statement part 2

In the first part we looked at the importance of prayer.  The second part really just involves asking questions and finding the answers. Find Meaning Start by answering many questions: Who do you want to impact? How do you want to impact them? What kind of person do...

Exuding God’s Presence

Have you ever been around someone who just exudes the presence of God?  When you are around them, you just want to be more like God.  I am talking about the type of person, who is always encouraging you to be a better person, yet you do not even realize it...

Spiritually Overweight

Devotional Story: My puppy, Jack, got his cast off on Saturday.  I was so excited for Jack to be free from the humongous cast which seemed to weigh him down at times.  I held my breath, praying he would be able to walk and not fall.  As Jack came toward...

Spring Fever

I started today.  I love spring and summer, and am not so much a big winter fan!  This awesome weather has prompted my spring cleaning.  I broom dust the ceiling, then wipe down all the walls and floor boards. I move all the furniture; use all the...